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Partner organisations

Q works with organisations across the UK and Ireland that share our vision.

Collaboration is at our core and our partners play vital roles in funding, supporting and delivering together with Q, at national and regional levels.

National partners

Q is led by the Health Foundation and supported by partner organisations across the UK and Ireland. 

The Health Foundation

The Health Foundation is Q’s parent organisation and are an independent charitable organisation working to build a healthier UK.

More about the Health Foundation

NHS England

NHS England leads the National Health Service (NHS) in England. Their purpose is to lead the NHS in England to deliver high-quality services for all.

More about NHS England

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

The purpose of Healthcare Improvement Scotland is to enable the people of Scotland to experience the best quality of health and social care.

More about Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Improvement Cymru

The Improvement Cymru team is part of the Quality, Safety and Improvement directorate of the NHS Wales Executive. They are the improvement service for NHS Wales hosted by Public Health Wales. 

Their aim is to support the creation of the best quality health and care system for Wales so that everyone has access to safe, effective and efficient care in the right place and at the right time.

More about Improvement Cymru

Health Service Executive in Ireland

The Health Service Executive (HSE) provides public health and social care services to everyone living in Ireland.

More about the Health Service Executive in Ireland

Delivery partners

NHS Confederation

NHS Confederation, the Q community and the Health Foundation have partnered to support deliver a programme of support for people leading improvement across health and care systems in the UK.

More about or work with NHS Confederation

NHS Providers

Q and NHS Providers have joined forces to develop a peer learning programme for provider collaboratives in England.

More about our work with NHS Providers

Regional partners

We are grateful to the improvement organisations and health innovation networks who play a part in supporting Q members in their regions. 

Discover more

  • Impact and evaluation

    4 minute read 
    What difference does Q make to health and care services, and how do we measure this? 
  • All the latest news from the Q community and across health care improvement. 
The Health Foundation

Q is led by the Health Foundation and supported by partners across the UK and Ireland

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Q, The Health Foundation, 8 Salisbury Square, London EC4Y 8AP
© 2025 The Health Foundation
Website: William Joseph