Advisory Board
Meet the members of Q’s Advisory Board, who offer the broad perspectives needed to support and challenge Q.
The Q Advisory Board provides strategic oversight. They support our leadership team to develop Q’s people, knowledge and culture, and build strategic partnerships through positive stakeholder engagement.

Malte leads the Health Foundation’s work to encourage faster improvement and innovation in care and leads their exploration of how new technologies can provide the opportunities for better care quality, access and experience. He also oversees the Foundation’s improvement partnerships including the Q community and The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute.
Previously, Malte worked as Chief Integrated Care Officer at Birdie, a digital start-up helping to reinvent the way we age, where he led its collaboration across social care and the NHS. Before that, he held positions at the Care Quality Commission, the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit, the Department of Health, and Accenture.
He is a member of the Sciana Health Leaders Network and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). He holds a Bachelor of Science from the London School of Economics and a Masters and PhD from the University of Oxford.

Viki is passionate about involving citizens in informed, influential and inspiring debates about the issues that impact on their lives and is well known for her work in this area. She leads Thinks Insight & Strategy’s work for the Cabinet Office and worked tirelessly with the COVID Response Team on public attitudes towards COVID-19.
Viki is former Founding Chair of Hubbub Foundation, a trustee of the Climate Group and a non-executive director of Blakeney Communications. Until January 2020 she was Vice Chair and Pro Chancellor of the University of Warwick.

Aideen is passionate about supporting the Northern Ireland health and social care system to deliver high quality care to all citizens. In her role at HSCQI she has had a particular focus on supporting the health and social care system to share learning and identify and scale up best practice.
Alongside her Directorship, Aideen works as a Consultant Anaesthetist. She has previously held medical leadership roles including Clinical Governance Lead, Clinical Lead for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement and Clinical Director.
Aideen is a Scottish Patient Safety Programme Fellow and a Health Foundation Generation Q Fellow. She holds a Health Foundation sponsored master’s degree in leadership for quality improvement.
Aideen is a graduate of Queen’s University Belfast Medical School (MB BCh) and is a Fellow of the College of Anaesthetists at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (FCA RCSI).

Since November 2023, Amar has led the adoption and embedding of continuous quality improvement across the NHS in England.
At East London NHS Foundation Trust, Amar is responsible for quality, performance, strategy planning and business intelligence. He has embedded a large-scale quality improvement infrastructure and quality management system.
He is the National Improvement Lead for mental health at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Chair of the Quality reference group at NHS Providers and a member of the reference group for the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. He is a council member for the Healthcare Costing for Value Institute.
Amar works as faculty for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), teaching and guiding improvers and health care systems across the world. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the IHI and honorary visiting professor at City University London and the University of Leicester.
He is a regular national and international keynote speaker at health care improvement conferences and has published over 40 peer-review articles in the field of quality management.
Amar holds an executive master of business administration (MBA) in health care management, a master’s degree in mental health law and a postgraduate certificate in medical education.

Anna is a chartered accountant, with over 25 years’ experience advising and working with public and private health care organisations as well as companies working with the NHS.
In her role at the Health Innovation Network (HIN) South London, Anna is at the forefront of the spread and adoption of innovation in the NHS to improve the health and care for Londoners.
She is a founder partner of DigitalHealth.London and, following many years in the financial sector, held senior regional commercial and improvement roles in the NHS.
Anna was Chair of the Finance Audit and Risk Committee of Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) health care board and now holds the role at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust. She is currently on the advisory board of Good Thinking.

Craig has over 10 years of commercial, strategic and operational management experience in UK health care, primarily in secondary acute care in the private sector. He currently works at CIL Management Consultants, a specialist strategy and commercial due diligence consultancy, as Associate Director in their health care practice.
Previously Craig was Commercial Director of ASI Limited, a start-up that founded OneWelbeck, a private multi-specialty medical centre in central London.
He trained as a management consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he worked on a range of projects in NHS Trusts and local government. He then spent six years at Bupa, where he worked in a range of operations, transformation and managerial roles, across health insurance policy and funding, provider contracting, commissioning and pathway design, and customer experience and service excellence.

Joanne’s career started in nursing. She has since had a number of senior clinical, managerial and commissioning roles in the NHS across the UK. These include acute hospital medicine, the national telephone triage and advice line, NHS Direct Kent, Surrey and Sussex and health and social care strategic commissioning within Brighton and Hove Primary Care Trust.
Since 2013, Joanne has led the development and delivery of a range of national quality improvement programmes in Scotland. This has included the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP), Value Management, Older People in Acute Care and work to develop a Quality Management System.
A Q member from its inception, Joanne is the Q Scotland country partner representative supporting the Health Foundation in the development of Q.

Pedro oversees the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) portfolio of work in Europe and Latin America. Based in the UK, he has been a driving force in IHI’s global expansion. From reducing C‑sections and health care-acquired infections in Brazil and Latin America to improving patient safety in Portugal, Pedro has led the design and implementation of large-scale health system improvement efforts and networks globally.
He coaches senior leaders and teams, and lectures extensively worldwide on large-scale change, patient safety, and quality improvement. He is an instructor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and a Senior Atlantic Fellow of Health Equity.
Prior to joining IHI in 2010, he held roles in hospital management and large-scale improvement leadership in the UK, and accumulated experience working in mental health in Venezuela and the UK. In October 2019, Pedro was recognised with the Julia Lima Award by Einstein Hospital in Brazil for his contributions to patient safety and quality improvement in Latin America.

Dom has worked in building improvement capability throughout the NHS since 2001, where she started supporting improvement training in West Sussex NHS Trust in England.
Since moving to NHS Wales in 2003, Dom has led a number of national improvement initiatives, including the Outpatient Improvement Programme, the Guide to Good Practice Programme and the Chronic Conditions Management Programme.
In 2012, Dom led on the establishment of a single improvement framework for NHS Wales, Improving Quality Together. This programme reached over half of the NHS Wales workforce, introducing them to the Model for Improvement as the basis for all improvement work in NHS Wales. This was closely linked to the creation of Q Cymru.
Since 2022, Dom has led the Safe Care Partnership in NHS Wales, building sustainable and connected improvement capability across organisations focused on patient safety improvements for deteriorating patients.
With the move of Improvement Cymru into the NHS Executive, Dom is leading as National Director in its evolution to Quality, Safety and Improvement for NHS Wales.

John has held a number of posts in both the NHS and private sector healthcare and was previously Chief Executive of Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and University Dental Hospital of Manchester Trust. He has also worked at Great Ormond Street and the Royal Free London hospitals.
John has expertise in leadership, strategy and operational delivery both within and across organisations in health and care.

After graduating from University of College Cork (UCC), Orla worked in hospital medicine for five years before embarking on a career in public health medicine.
She has occupied a range of senior executive and clinical leadership roles at regional and national levels in the health services. These include Director of Quality, Governance and Patient Safety, Director of Strategy, Planning and Population Health and Chief Operations Officer. In 2018, she was made Adjunct Clinical Professor in the School of Public Health UCC.
As National Clinical Director of Quality and Patient Safety in the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Orla leads teams across improvement, incident management and education and is responsible for delivering on the organisation’s patient safety strategy.

Penny joined the Health Foundation in 2011, leading work on improvement capability building, patient safety and improving flow, among other things. She has led Q since its inception.
In 2022, while retaining overall responsibility for Q’s strategic direction, Penny took on interim accountability for the Foundation’s portfolio of strategic initiatives, funding programmes and analysis aiming to improve the quality of health and care in the UK.
Before joining the Health Foundation, Penny was the Director of Strategy and Service Improvement at Newham University Hospital NHS Trust. She has spent her career leading improvement work at local and national levels in the NHS, with particular expertise in process and system redesign, leading strategic change across organisations, developing networks to support improvement and collaborative design.

Stacey joined the Health Foundation in 2015 during Q’s design phase, to lead the initial set up of the initiative. She now leads the strategic delivery of several of Q’s areas of work and how Q delivers value to its members and organisations that make up the health and care system in the UK.
Stacey has a track record within multi-faceted national ‘start-up’ programmes, including the NHS Leadership Academy. There she supported the development and delivery of their national leadership development programmes and interventions, aiming to professionalise leadership in the NHS, for both individuals and teams.
She has a master’s degree in Healthcare Leadership from the University of Birmingham.
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Our shared charter
2 minute readCo-designed by members of the community, the shared charter is a set of expectations for Q and its members. It is the agreement of ‘how we do things round here’. -
Impact and evaluation
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